Spring 2025

Welcome to the Berkeley Student Probability Seminar, Spring 2025 edition! The broad plan for the semester is to have two threads in parallel: one would be a traditional set of talks on stochastic calculus, starting from the basics and building up to some advanced topics. The other thread would be a series of talks on recent arXiv papers.

We take turns presenting, so please sign up. Google sheet for signing up

Location and times: Evans 736, (almost) every Wednesday from 11 am - 12 pm (please note the change in time and venue).

Please drop me (Mriganka) an email at mriganka_brc@berkeley.edu if there are any issues here, or if I forgot to update this website. For general queries, you may contact any one of the organizers:

See below for more details on the topic and some references.


Date Speaker Summary
Feb 19 (Cancelled)

(No seminar)

Feb 12 Vilas Winstein

Rigorous results on self-organized criticality. [Paper]

Feb 5 Byron Chin (MIT)

The power of an adversary in Glauber dynamics. [Paper]

Jan 29 Mriganka Basu Roy Chowdhury

An overview of stochastic calculus. [Notes]


There is not really much to say in the way of an abstract, since the topics are quite broad and well-known. Please refer to the notes from the first session for a broad plan of the topics that may be the focus of individual talks. For arXiv paper presentations, the requirements are rather loose, except that we expect the presenter will introduce the paper at a level that is accessible to a general audience (i.e., those with a reasonable general probability background).