Student Probability Seminar Spring 2024
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Welcome to the Berkeley Student Probability Seminar, Spring 2024 edition! This small website will chronicle our journey through Sebastien Roch's Modern Discrete Probability, which may be found here.

We take turns presenting, so please sign up! Google sheet for signing up.

Location and times: Evans 891, (almost) every Wednesday from 11 am - 12 pm.

Please drop me (Mriganka) an email at if there are any issues here, or if I forgot to update this website. For general queries, you may contact any one of the organizers:

Date Speaker Summary
Apr 24 Daniel C. Raban

Discrepancy and Spencer's six standard deviations theorem.

Apr 17 David X. Wu

Robust Recovery for Stochastic Block Models. [arXiv].

Apr 10 Ella Hiesmayr

Degree distributions in various random graph models, and applications to pyramid schemes.

Apr 3 Everyone

Open problem session. The problems discussed have been recorded here. If you would like to suggest changes to this document, please mail me.

Mar 27 (Spring Break)

(No talk)

Mar 20 Joao Basso

The landscape of the planted-clique problem.

Mar 13 Izzy Detherage

Effective resistance in graphs, simple random walks, and random spanning trees.

Mar 6 Zack McNulty

Exchangeability in Combinatorial Stochastic Processes (random partitions, Chinese Restaurant process, Gram-de Finetti matrices, graphons etc.)

Feb 28 Benjamin Eisley

Community detection via spectral graph theory. Roch Chapter 5, Section 5.1.4

Feb 21 Zoe McDonald

Couplings in the analysis of frog models. [Hoffman, Johnson, Junge].

Feb 14 Victor Ginsburg

Endpoint fluctuations for directed polymers. [Bolthausen's paper]. [Notes].

Feb 7 Adam Quinn Jaffe

Bond percolation on infinite regular trees. Roch Chapter 2, Section 2.3.3, and Chapter 3, Section 3.1.4

Jan 31 Mriganka Basu Roy Chowdhury

Martingale concentration and chromatic numbers of random graphs. Roch Chapter 3, Section 3.2.3. [Notes]

Jan 24 Karissa Huang

Probabilistic analysis of the knapsack problem, Roch Chapter 2, Section 2.4.3.

Jan 17 Vilas Sreenivasan Winstein

Connectivity threshold for \(\mathcal{G}(n, p)\) random graphs. [Notes]